Located in the heart of historic Brooklyn Heights, Iron Chef House has been a cornerstone in the Brooklyn community for almost 20 years. Within walking distance of beautiful Cadman Plaza Park and sitting just a few blocks from Brooklyn Bridge Park, it's no wonder visitors and Brooklynites alike, call our restaurant their ultimate food destination.
Modern and classic Japanese dishes combine to make a truly extraordinary dining experience. Our restaurant is known for amazing quality. Our premium selection of fish, produce and top quality meats, are second to none. Every choice on our menu was created with three things in mind - fresh ingredients, high quality, and customer satisfaction.

The iron chef

John's passion for sushi started over 30 years ago. Working as a dish washer in a small restaurant, and later a server, John decided to take his love for Asian Cuisine to the next level. He traveled to Japan to hone his craft, and learned from classically trained Japanese sushi chefs. While in Japan, John became eager to show his newly learned skills with the world. John decided to showcase his passion for food by moving to New York and opening his very own restaurant; Iron Chef House. With John's first hand knowledge of Japanese Cuisine, keen sense of style, and first class customer relation skills, Iron Chef House was an instant success.